Rising High is my Nature!
This was my school’s motto and I would often wonder how Mr Paul would have thought of such a wonderful tagline for Apeejay Schools. From mere marveling to wondering and then gradually merging this into my quest for the Higher consciousness, I came upon a eureka moment. It sure was!
All matter, mass, including humans are pulled downwards due to gravity. This is going physical but even if I tried putting this mentally, I realized the mind never lets you rise high till you are completely able to govern your mind. And in human life, it is very rare that you are almost always controlling your mind for the mind controls you most of the while. Then how else could one rise high. Literally and not even metaphorically, I would look up and say “God, one can only rise towards the sky in one way. That is, if I rise my consciousness”. And this one fitted perfectly well. I could rise high in my antahakarana, in my discipline, values and I could strengthen my core. I could rise high like the flame of the lamp, or like the tip of the mountain if I concentrated well, if I was focused enough to walk one path.
Hence I chose my path- towards the Higher Consciousness. And thereafter, I have moved not an inch from the pursuit of the inner happiness, of eternal internal beauty. Yes, I sometimes waver with and due to some karma but I take full responsibility for being there and for not being somewhere else.
How do you soar high? Through your dreams or through your reality? Even if you say dreams , then to turn your dreams into your reality, you need the power within; the power of truth and purity which when left behind, leaves you far behind in the srishti of that Higher consciousness. That power can be brought by your detachment, focus and discipline. Attune the three and you will get closer to Thee! That is also the path to liberation…so work higher, aim higher, perform higher, go for a greater discipline, greater passion, greater love, greater surrender, greater truth, lesser beliefs, lesser ignorance, lesser judgements, lesser greed, lesser fakeness and you will walk towards balance. In that balancing stage, you will find your Self that you can slowly take towards the Higher Consciousness…
Soar Higher and Higher till you attain the Highest ONE !
Gurushree Vidushii