Rudra Universe introduces Rudra Ananda Gurukul, one of its kind and the very first gyan arambha program for the age group of 13 years to 17 years. The course is a 9 hour program spread over 3 days. The entire program is designed for these impressionable sentient minds who will learn the techniques of yoga, mantras, pranayama, mudras, neetis, vedic knowledge on shastras, Vedanta, the Upanishads, the Gita, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. Their innocent, inquisitive minds will open up like a parachute and the program will help them understand the existence of a human and God and the reality of the universe.
Rudra Ananda Gurukul will help these children meditate, teach them the importance of karma and eating the right guna diet. Group discussions on the right attitude and character will be a part of this Gurukul program. The course will educate children on the basic principles of daily life which are instrumental in strengthening their self-belief, high self-esteem, a positive attitude, self-discipline and help them reinforce the spiritual values thereby overcoming anxiety, fear & nervousness.
Sadhana is no less than a war where Power, discipline, a stronge mental faculty are required and a sadhak has to have all these to walk the greater path.– Gurushree Vidushii